Learn it. Live it. Pass it.


CDM Bible College is committed to admitting as many people as possible who are passionate for discipleship and disciplemaking, Christlikeness, and world evangelism. However, due to resource constraints and the nature of our programs, not everyone is able to join our main sessions.

Admission Requirements

Below are some of the requirements that every applicant must satisfy:

  • Be born again.
  • Be in a Bible-believing church
  • Must have been a church member for at least two years.
  • Be recommended by a local pastor/area pastor/local church leader
  • Have a pass in English at GCE O-LEVEL OR SSCE/WASSCE OR RSA II.
  • Be personally committed to Bible reading, study, meditation and memorization.

Don't forget to take note of the Prospectus for CDMBC, remembering to bring bedsheets and other toiletries for semesters.

Applicants for the main campus are also strongly encouraged to apply online beforehand, and undergo a brief interview on-site before the session begins. Moreover, all students and prospective students are required to book a place for the session of their choice by sending an SMS or whatsapp to 024-864-5688 to secure your booking and bed.

Graduation Requirements

Before beginning the course, you should be aware that to qualify for graduation from CDM Bible College, you must:

  1. Complete and pass the coursework, lectures, and assignments of all three full trimesters in order to qualify for AABS and CDM requirements
  2. Make at least one Christlike disciple and present him/her at a CDM retreat for assessment 
  3. Read through the entire Bible, summarizing each chapter in not more than four (4) words , and presenting the summary for assessment
  4. Embark on, and write up a project that lines up with your identified gifts/ministry area as evidence of your calling.

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